01843 848468

Our windows are made from three different materials.


uPVC Windows

We recommend that our uPVC windows are maintained every 3-4 months, the steps you will need to take:

  • Clean all frames with soapy water.
  • Clean all glass with glass cleaner.
  • Lubricate all metal parts with WD40, including hinges, handles and locks.
  • All our uPVC windows feature hidden drainage which will need to be kept unblocked.

Aluminium Windows

We recommend that our aluminium windows are cleaned as follows:

if you live in  coastal area, they will need to be clean every 2-3 months.

If you live in-land, in a clearer environment, they will need to be cleaned every 4-5 months.

The steps to maintain your windows are as follows:

  • Clean all frames with soapy water.
  • Clean all glass with glass cleaner.
  • Lubricate all metal parts with WD40, including hinges, handles and locks.

Maintaining your new windows can help them last longer and will maintain your gurantee.